Breo for Travel – breo

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Breo for Travel

At Breo, we believe traveling doesn’t have to be so stressful.


Our mission is to make relaxation during travel easy, while minimizing the amount of space needed to bring your Breo product in the car or on a plane. Our iNeck and iNeck Air are ideal for modern and wellness-conscious travellers because they combine the comfort of a neck pillow with built-in massage capabilities.


The iNeck is portable and occupies the same amount of space as traditional neck pillow, offering firm support for any journey, (no matter the length.)

For travelers looking to utilize space in their luggage, our iNeck Air easily inflates and deflates, optimizing your packing footprint.

In addition to their small footprint, our travel massagers are always low-noise, allowing you to experience comfort without disrupting those around you.

Travel in today’s world can cause both physical and mental fatigue.

At Breo, we put user experience first in every aspect of our design - from our materials to the patterns of our electric massage heads because we understand that when it comes to travel, small decisions can make a big impact.